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US stands with Rohingya genocide survivors, reaffirms support

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that the ongoing humanitarian crisis and human rights violations in Myanmar are making life even harder for many of the country’s ethnic and religious minority groups, especially the Rohingya people.
“The United States stands with the survivors of the Rohingya genocide and is committed to providing life-saving assistance to affected members of Rohingya communities and those affected by the crisis in Burma (Myanmar), Bangladesh, and the region,” he said in a statement marking the seventh anniversary of Rohingya genocide.
Some 750,000 Rohingya fled brutal military campaign in Rakhine State of Myanmar and took shelter in Bangladesh.
Blinken said, “Over the past seven years, the United States has contributed nearly $2.4 billion in humanitarian assistance.”
“We also conduct extensive documentation of the atrocities and abuses committed against Rohingya and all civilians,” he said.
“Our support for the people of Burma in their aspirations for a democratic, inclusive, and peaceful future is unwavering, as are our calls on all parties to protect civilians from harm.”
